Monday, May 7, 2012

2012 contributor: Nick Trotter

Nick Trotter's contribution to kittyBOOGER twenty-twelve is the kind of long-ass mind-spasm essay nobody's publishing. That's right, nobody--except us, because this sucker is one of a kind. 'An excerpt from: From Spaces to Dimension in Aesthetic; The Klee-Deleuze Mixtape' pushes as it pulls. Some of his points (haha) he gives to you straight away, others you have to work for. Call it a vision quest through gray space. By the end you'll be following around your finger shouting "ambulatory, generative point!" and chances are you'll mean it.

Was fehlt ihm?, 1930 Paul Klee

 Nick Trotter is a PhD candidate at the European Graduate School for media studies and philosophy, he also teaches sound design and audio production at Burlington College, in Burlington, Vermont.

When he is not busy doing those life-encompassing things, he reads a lot, cooks the-most-delicious-food-you've-ever-tasted, and makes some great sounds; with different people in groups called 'bands', or solo, with his multi-instrumental talents, and ever-expressive baritone singing.  Between books, and sound making + recording implements, he has few rooms in his home that spare space for human beings, luckily its almost summer and we can spend time outside.

-Tom & Steph

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