Monday, October 24, 2011

Kitty BOOGER, the logo

When I imagined Kitty BOOGER, I imagined this little Southern kitten, all done-up in bows and bonnet, that was embroidered on the child-sized sun hat that I wore when I was too young for English. I don't recall ever wearing the hat. I might have seen a couple old, discolored photos of me in the hat. But I was obsessed with the image, and thankfully the hat still lives, safely, moth-free in a cedar chest, where all the other memories must live.


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

There's a new Kitty on the Boog'

Kitty BOOGER is currently in the collection business. We're on the hunt for drawings, photos, stories, poems and music to bind into our very first little booklet.

While Kitty BOOGER's final architecture is undecided, it's shaping up to be one hell of an exhibition. Somewhere between fanzine and art mag, each issue will showcase a CD EP. Each will be full color. Each will be an intimate affair with just a few artists showing just a few pieces.

Get ready for some magic!